2020 has been… a year! Undoubtedly, we’re taught so much about ourselves, as well as those with whom we’ve spent a lot of time. (This year, for example, the lockdown made me want to develop my writing skills, and that’s how my blog became a reality. So, I asked a few people what they learned, and please add your own…
It taught me to be patient and not be afraid to strive for my dreams. I have published two books and have built a website. I have been wanting to do that for 20 years. Also, I got covid. I have to be patient with my recovery and wait for my body to heal. Janet Ilacqua Freelance general writer
This year taught me to be strong never lose my patience.. no matter what happens never show your weakness to the world not because they will judge you. But they will either mock you or block you(will become your obstacles to reach your aim..as they have learned about your weakness)…. sometimes it ok to not to be ok every time….give yourself time…and never stop learning Chinmayee Kishan
I thought I would always have a job. I get laid off due to COVID. I have been able to reconnect with a LOT of old friends through Social media. I have read more and heard more Audiobooks, thus, I have gained MORE knowledge. I gave even MORE to Charities.
2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for each one of us. Maybe it’s not the best year for outdoor activities but for self-realization and efforts, it is one of the best years.
Acceptance. We can’t control all of the things. Through grief, seclusion, and limitless hours of introspection, I’m finally learning to let go. The things I thought mattered don’t really matter. I’m choosing to make this year a precious gift. And while I look forward to living life again, I’d be lying if I said I wanted everything to go back to the way it was. We can live a little deeper now if we’re not so quick to brush this off.
What a great question. I wish I had some profound revelation but what I’ve really learned this year has become my new motto: “I can make that.” While trying to avoid stores in March I became a lot more creative with what I had lying around
I started a poetry IG account and found such joy learning I could still write and observe the world in that way. I also learned I was brave enough to ask for a raise I deserved at work. Turns out I am a lot more confident when working from home.
This year taught me That even though I am 59, I can still grow and learn from my decisions to become my best self
I have learned numerous things in 2020. A few of them are:
- Importance of Yoga and Meditation.
- Dancing and Zumba
- Eating Clean and Homemade Foods
- Analysis of Future Goals and putting Efforts for achieving them.
- New Work Skills
Most important of all, I became a mature person which I was not a year back. They say that struggle makes you clear in your thoughts. But I guess, it’s the otherwise for me. Inner Peace made me evaluate every situation thoroughly and then I started working for my objectives.
Finally, I always say that every aspect of life depends on the individual’s perspective. We as the owner, have the authority to draw our lives according to our requirements. Ukadike Mabel
Having been through previous crises I’ve learned a few lessons which I’ve followed. Ones that most people won’t practice but those who succeed do.
First, every day when I wake up I get to choose to be a victim or a victor. I can be controlled by the circumstances or take control of my circumstances. I get to be one but not both.
Second, I can fixate on the problems or opportunities created by the problems. Crises change the world. They dislodge the status quo. And with that opportunities open if you’re looking.
Third, I can cower in fear or conquer in confidence. I’ve found I rarely run any more risk being confident than I do fearful. Yet, when I have confidence I accomplish so much more.
Fourth, I can waste time absorbed in media distraction to forget. Or I can use my time productively to learn. One wastes the opportunity the other prepares to capitalize on it.
Fifth, I can wait to hope for things to go back to normal. Or I can realize there is going to be a new normal and learn how to succeed in it.
priligy (dapoxetine) Given the availability of other antihistamines that lack proarrhythmic risk and the difficulty of managing the large number of potentially dangerous drug drug interactions with terfenadine, this drug was withdrawn from the market once this important pharmacokinetic interaction and its associated risk were elucidated
I don’t think the title of your enticle matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the enticle.