Many restaurants in Asaba can give you a taste of what you want,
but the above-listed restaurants are going to make you just feel like you are at home.
This city is home to me, if you ever find yourself here, and you love eating right, don’t forget to patronize any of these restaurants
Iyara African kitchen
Iyara African kitchen is situated opposite zenith bank okpanam road.
It is almost hidden from people because of its location behind a building which is directly opposite the bank with an entrance very possible to ignore.
In July, they launched a new outlet at DD’s Centurium, DBS Road, directly opposite Best Western Hotel Elomaz Asaba.
The taste of their African delicacy will keep you coming irrespective of their distance.
It is a perfect place for good food, a choice of drink, and fruity. It has a spacious car pack.
Iyara is well known for its tasteful Banga rice. I hope you do have a good time when you visit.
The glamour kitchen amala spot
The restaurant is known for its good homemade western Nigerian food and tasty local cuisine that is pocket-friendly. Glamour gives you the best Amala, ewedu, Banga, and more.
Glamour will make you think you are in your own home. Located at GRA phase I, Asaba, open from9am-7pm.
Remember Glamour kitchen amala spot is known for its delicious Amala.
One side restaurant
One side Restaurant and bar is a Nice restaurant situated at the Dome event center, central area Asaba. It has private dining and a large parking lodge.
It has this serene atmosphere and sense of privacy that will make you want to visit often
One sidebar is Well known for its tasteful African dishes and Chinese experience,
You can find a different kind of bush meat here, fish Palm wine assorted, etc.
Do you know why you will feel like you are in your hometown while at this bar? Because all your meal will be served with a local earthen plate,
Feel at home when you visit this restaurant because it’s just a home away from home
The Rodinia
The Rodinia is a fast-growing commercial hub in Asaba with African and continental dishes, a nice place with good interior decoration.
You can find The Rodina inside Asaba shopping mall, and Beside the rain oil filling station by submit junction Asaba, Delta state.
their Opening times are between 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Mondays to Sundays.
The Rodinia Restaurant & Bar delivers the best local and intercontinental dishes, is quick and incredibly pocket-friendly, and offers home/office food delivery services.
They are known for their tasty rice and assorted, Think The Rodinia, Think Class
Peptoma Tasty Cuisine
Just as the name, Peptoma it a nice place to relax, good ambiance, excellent price and they sell alcohol,
It’s where you can have a sumptuous meal and a variety of drinks at the same time.
have you visited any of the restaurant? tell me about it
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