
Top Six Most Popular Enugu Foods You Should Not Miss

Eating the local cuisine of your host is always the highlight of every travel. Enugu like other states in Igboland and Nigeria have some local food that is original there’s.

For tourists and travelers who are planning to visit Enugu state, I’m going to share with you, “the top six most popular Enugu food You Should Not Miss.”

One great thing about Enugu food is  that they are more natural than most spiced food you can get around,  you don’t spice  most of their food

In fact, without tasting these foods, your visit to Enugu is incomplete; you have not visited Enugu at all if you do not eat these foods. Below is the top six most popular food in Enugu. you must have a taste of


top six

Okpa is a popular Igbo dish of Eastern Nigeria which originated from Enugu state. Okpa is made from Bambara flour gotten from Bambara nut.

Okpa is very simple to prepare because there is no many ingredients and cooking does not take much time

Okpa is often wrapped in banana leaves or thin white nylon bags it can be purchased anywhere in Enugu. or at the notable bus stops like Oji River junction or ninth Mile

Abacha/ African salad

top six

One of Enugu’s most popular dishes is also known as Abacha.

It is produced with dried shredded cassava(Abacha) and seeds of fermented oil bean (Ugba or Ukpaka).and lots of other proteinous ingredients

Apart from its yummy taste, one thing I love about this meal is that you can add a range of tasty garnishes to suit your palate.

In most parts of Enugu Enugu state, especially Oji River, The first meal they offer their visitor is  Ncha as it’s popularly called among them, It is prepared on all occasions.

One thing you must know is this, among different towns in Enugu state, are different varieties of preparing this delicacy.

People of Oji River have a unique way of preparing Abacha, they call it Ncha. Eziagu people have a different approach to preparing Africa salad, they call jigbo likewise other towns in Enugu state.

The funny aspect of this is that Enugu people never get tired of consuming  Abacha, especially with palm wine.


Asaja is a common food among  Agwu people, it is prepared with a species of Kidney Beans found mostly in Awgu. It is prepared with  African oil bean seed(Ugba), onions, red palm oil, and others for a better taste

Asaja,  is popular with Agw people, and  no other part of Enugu State prepares this delicacy better than them

The food takes between 5 and 7 days to get ready for consumption, it is mainly cooked on special occasions such as a child’s naming ceremony or for a special guest(s).


Agbugbu na achicha (Pigeon pea and dried cocoyam porridge) is one of Enugu’s most common trendy foods. this delicacy is popular with Nsukka people.

It’s quick, it’s fast and it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed every day by millions.  Every graduate of the University of Nigeria Nsukka can test o this.

I have enjoyed Agbugbu na achicha in each of my Visits to Nsukka. Whenever you find yourself in Nsukka go make sure you do have a taste.


Ayaraya, also known as Otipiri, is a traditional Igbo meal that is most common among the Nsukka and Udi people of the state of Enugu.

It is very nutritious and a perfect meal for those looking for more legumes to be integrated into their diet. Pigeon pea (fiofio) and maize are the two main ingredients for preparing this dish

There are three routes to Ayaraya.  Ayaraya Ji, Ayaraya Oka, and Ayaraya Ede . all are made with fermented African oil bean seed (Ugba), onions, and red palm oil. be sure to have a taste, whenever you visit.

Agwugwo oka

A common Igbo food special to the people of Awgu is Agwugwo Oka or Agwugwu Akpakpa. Agwugwo oka is prepared mostly with Ugba(Akpaka) or fresh Akidi and is made from sliced maize

If for any reason you find yourself in this beautiful city, make sure to grab a taste of  there natural food

6 thoughts on “Top Six Most Popular Enugu Foods You Should Not Miss

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