10 Ways To Stay Motivated At A Job You Don’t Like
There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough
…feeding your eyes, enriching your soul
There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough
every minute you spend wishing you had some else’s life, is a minute spent wasting yours
let us just be who we really are, not the other way round
you can stop the protest, but you can never stop the revolution
there is no model or medal for the best funeral ceremony, the most important thing is to do the necessary rituals involved in laying the dead to rest in the spirit world.
choco 2020
Chadwick Boseman was diagnosed with stage III colon in 2016 and has been dealing with it for the last four years as it progressed to stage iv till he gave up on August 28, 2020, Undoubtedly, the death of Boseman …