I have read with keen interest a malicious publication by an agent of disunity who feeds fat from the archaic strategy of “divide & rule” yet masquerading as a sympathizer of our beloved “Kwusike political Movement “. Not only is the said cheap blackmail of an article, written by a certain Goddy Eneh, full of misinformation and mischief, it actually shows why ignorant people should not be allowed access to the media space.
That weightless publication simply reminds one of a biblical quotation;
“I feel the hand of Esau but I hear the voice of Jacob “.
An average Kwusike loyalist knows exactly where this attack is coming from,even though it was allegedly written by one faceless Mr Eneh who has suddenly forgot his surname.
Mr Eneh translated “Kwusike ” to mean “standing firm” but refused to explain what exactly the minister should stand firm on. Could it be that he wants Mr Onyeama to stand firm on falsehood or what doesn’t exist? The analogy of the name as ostensibly used in describing the identity of the political movement birthed to project the concept of representation within the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Enugu state, was never meant to be a divisive tool in the party but rather to be a rallying point for members that refused the undemocratic moves of the forces that held the party down in the state.
These agents of disunity in the party, had ensured that the party never won a single councilor-ship election in the state since the formation of the party. This they were able to achieve by constantly hobnobbing with the PDP to sell out the APC. The Kwusike movement was meant to be the rallying ground for those that rejected such fifth-columnists.
Mr Eneh failed to realize that the only reason why the minister stood his grounds in the then factional squabble that engulfed the APC in the state was simply because he faulted the process that brought Dr. Nwoye to power, but fortunately the contentious issue has been resolved by circumstance.
The issue became “null and void ” as soon as a caretaker committee was inaugurated in the state. This move came about by the various reconciliation and peace moves across the State party structure, a process that was conceptualized by the same Kwusike Onyeama, with the blessings of the party’s National Caretaker management team.
Should the minister have continued to stand firm on fallacies just because he wants to prove to the world that he is the grand son of the famous Onyeama of Eke kingdom? Such dumb recommendation by the writer is an obvious pointer to who really his paymasters are. Those that were benefiting from the disunity in the party.
Should Onyeama disobey the decision of the party from its headquarter just to prove his ego? Should Onyeama continue to promote disunity in the party simply because he is a minister? Should Onyeama continue to stand firm on issues capable of ruining the fortunes of the party in 2023? Should Onyeama now destroy the platform that made him minister on a platter of gold? What exactly does Mr Eneh and his co-travellers want from Onyeama?
Honestly, this publication has obviously exposed the dismantled machinery among the genuine APC members in Enugu state. Unfortunately for them though, the APC in Enugu state has decided to embrace peace and shun all forms of divisions within its ranks as it is currently being seen with multiple reorganizations and repositioning in the state. Though the Kwusike Political Family is still in existence, albeit as a movement to create political awareness in Enugu state, it has been submerged into the expanded body of the party, currently headed by the Caretaker Committee Chairman, Dr. Ben Nwoye.
So instead of the likes of Mr. Eneh and his handlers to be crying over the reconciliatory role played by the Minister within APC Enugu state, they should be happy to notice the current united front being projected by the party members; except they are actually the agents of division the party had been suffering from all these years. Only time will tell which is which.
Maka na odi ete aka, o tebe aka!
Written by By Abuchi Udeh in Enugu

The Author, Mr. Abuchi Udeh, is a socio-political commentator based in Enugu
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